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Cenocco Alarma de Plagas 3PCS

Referencia -CC-9062
Precio de venta recomendado 32.00€ HT

Repelente electrónico de plagas con ultrasonido y cuerpo ignífugo. Respetuoso con el medio ambiente, seguro para niños y mascotas. Eliminación humana de plagas sin productos químicos tóxicos. Ahuyenta ratas, ratones, cucarachas, arañas. Instalación fácil, no necesita recarga.

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  • EAN : 0634158795688
  • ISBN : 8543709099
  • Peso : 0.20 Kg
  • Volumen : 0.00173 m3
  • (L x l x H) : 27.00 cm x 16.00 cm x 4.00 cm
  • Caja : 80 uds
  • Paleta : 640 (Uds.)
  • Dimensiones de la caja : 56 x 50 x 72
  • Manual de Usuario :
  • Archivo de paquete PDF :
  • Certificaciones :

Descripción y especificaciones del producto

This Cenocco 3PCS ultrasonic device protects your home, office, office or any other property of all types of devices such as insects, rats, insects and including ardillas and this alarm is not the most advanced outdoor device control product. industry. The product brings the peace and security of advanced products for outdoor plaga control as the result of years of investigation and innovation.


  • The representative of electronic beaches with ultrasonic control and fire protection is respectful of the medium ambient and has a high capacity, so be sure that it is completely safe for us, for all our children and their pets.
  • This device allows you to release pests of a human nature and without the use of toxic chemical products to your patio, garden or exterior area. With the Cenocco CC-6062 antiparasitic alarm you can expel rats, rats, spiders, spiders, worms, moss and other insects from your house.
  • The Cenocco CC-6062 sensor emits electromagnetic and ultrasonic pulses and acts directly in the living room where rats, spiders, insects and other insects multiply.
  •  ¡No hay that you use chemical products, only ultrasonic and electromagnetic pulses that irritate the rodents and insects and cause the pollution of the house!
  • Very easy to install: just take it easy. No need to tell
  • You can expel babies, rats, cucarachas, hormigas and spiders without harming children or animals thanks to the advanced ultrasonic and electromagnetic defenses that destroy walls, furniture and technology.
  • With human treatment, rats can be destroyed, as are infestations of flying insects and rastreros. Please do not use chemical products to absorb the mositis and clean your restaurants.
  • Our beach deterrent device can purify the air by releasing negative ions into it, so that the sea is safer to breathe and allows you to sleep better all night long. In addition, our beach control comes with a mini light that has night-time lighting.
  • The modern technological development of the device, in collaboration with the main engineers, provides an effective, rapid and human elimination of plates without causing harm to your family.


  • Brand: Cenocco
  • Color: White

The package includes:

  • 3 x Beach Alarm
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