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» » » Herzberg HG-8034WHT: Mobile Appendiabiti - Bianco
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Herzberg HG-8034WHT: Mobile Appendiabiti - Bianco

Riferimento -HG-8034WHT
Prezzo consigliato dal fabbricante: 99.00€ Tasse escluse

Costruzione in acciaio di alta qualità e plastica ABS. 6 ripiani pieghevoli e 4 robusti. Supporti laterali pieghevoli versatili. Barra in acciaio verniciato a polvere.

Quantità : 

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Condividere :
  • EAN : 5404035003664
  • ISBN : 9403200000
  • Peso : 3.85 Kg
  • Volume : 0.05040 m3
  • (L x l x H) : 80.00 cm x 30.00 cm x 21.00 cm
  • Scatola : 1 unità
  • Pallet : 81 (Unità)
  • Dimensioni della scatola : 80cm x 13cm x 21cm

Descrizione e specifiche del prodotto

This appendix is ​​all things that need to be understood to allow it to be worn in your dress and other unsuitable items. Realized in resistant and high quality steel, varnished with powder to protect the rug and the corrosion, this mobile rack is in grade of management and organization of your dress. The base is made of high quality ABS plastic which provides a durable metal leg and creates a robust structure. Consists of 6 pieces of pieghevoli and pieghevoli and amplia i requisiti di spazio per la asciugatura dell'aria. The base is supported by 2 base bars in solid steel varnished with powder coating for a better support, increasing the stability and allowing the scarp to be supported for asciugatura or conservation. Entrambit and lati superiori hanno una fessura funzionale a 2 ali per posizionare i vestiti avec un ampio spazio tra l' asciugatura o semplicemente per organizzare i vestiti en modo ordinato. It also has an easy wheel design that features a rotatable block to allow it to be positioned optically on the inside. Lightweight and easily accessible for use and guaranteed not to occupy too much space. It's easy to assemble and comes with an easy-to-follow instruction manual. This mobile appendix is ​​versatile and can be used as a storage station or an open wardrobe.





  • Acciaio of high quality and construction in ABS plastic
  • 6 ripiani pieghevoli and pieghevoli
  • 4 ripiani per carichi weighi
  • Versatile side rack
  • Barra in multifunctional powder coated steel
  • Acciaio varnished to powder
  • 4 rotating wheels blockable
  • Ruggine and corrosion protection
  • 14 slot for lateral arm
  • Base well supported for excellent stability
  • Robust and durable
  • Easy to mount
  • Leggero, transport and transport mode
  • Can be used externally and internally



Technical specifications:

  • Marchio: Herzberg
  • Color Bianco
  • Telaio material: high quality acciaio and ABS
  • Dimensions of the item (assembly): Appx: 126 cm x 64 cm x 172 cm
  • Width: 64 cm
  • Weight of the item: 3.5 kg
  • Dimensions of the bag: 80 cm x 12.5 cm x 20 cm
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